Kitchen Hanging Garden

A few weeks ago we went to ikea and picked up some stuff for the kitchen including:

The aim of the purchases was to create the following:

Once the containers were on the wall I decided to have something growing in them, as I haven't got my hydroponic kitchen herb garden set up yet I thought that some salad greens and herbs would be best.

Finding a tray to fit inside the hanging container was a bit of a mission impossible so I cut up some of those clear plastic containers that you get fruit in from the supermarket and then glue gunned them back together so that they would be a snug fit, once I did this I spray painted the outside of it black (although I don't think that this step was really necessary). 

In the larger container I planted some Chives, Salad Bowl Lettuce and some Mixed Oriental Leafs, hopefully they'll come up well.

In the mean time I've cheated and brought some pots of herbs from the supermarket and put them in the larger container.  The big one will hold 3 pots and the smaller one will  only hold one, but if you were to take the plants out of the pot it could easily hold two.

As currently they're not getting a massive amount of light I intend to buy a small LED strip  to put under the above cabinet to provide the light that they need.


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